Us: The Bannisters, The Stenlunds


These two lovebirds are Andy and Ellen (Stenlund) Bannister. The year was 1943, and they were in Detroit visiting his parents, Ira and Gertrude Bannister, just before he was to leave for the Army and World War II. They are the central figures of “US: The Bannisters, The Stenlunds,” a family history I researched and wrote in 2008. 

There were few copies printed, enough for our families with several extras. At the time, we didn’t have many other options. But, as the book showed, times have changed.

Anyone interested may download a copy and, using a free version of Word, view the book on their own computer. 

Enjoy. If you have questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to ask.

Barbara Bannister

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